拼音:qióng kùn英文解釋:
be down and out; destitution; impoverishment; indigence; misery; needinessprivation
(1) ∶生活貧窮困難窮困潦倒(2) ∶不得志,走投無路以窮困來歸丹。&mdas... >>查看“窮困”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 那時他過著窮困的日子。He earned a bare living at that time
- 他生活在極度窮困中。He lives in a state of extreme poverty.
- 一個被戰爭弄得窮困的國家a country impoverished by war
- 窮困是萬惡之源。Poverty is the root of all evils.
- 意味著本世紀的隨後二十五年世界資源枯竭,陷入窮困。It means another quarter of a century of impoverishment for the whole world
- 他努力去幫助窮困潦倒之人。he tried to help the down-and-out.
- 蕭條期以寒冷、窮困、荒蕪或死亡為特點的一段時期A period of time characterized by coldness, misery, barrenness, or death
- 少時閒混,老來窮困。A young man idle,an old man needy