拼音:qióng jìn英文解釋:
end; limit中文解釋:
(1) ∶盡頭;終點民眾的智慧是沒有窮盡的(2) ∶探究到盡頭窮盡事物的本質 >>查看“窮盡”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 好故事的無窮盡源泉An unfailing source of good stories.
- 今後還有無窮盡的麻煩呢。There's a sea of troubles ahead.
- 知識是沒有窮盡的。Knowledge knows no bounds.
- 科學家們已知道如何利用無窮盡的太陽能。Scientists have known how to harness the limitless power of the sun.
- 一個包含這麽多個哈伯體積的盒子,就能窮盡所有的可能性。A box containing that many Hubble volumes exhausts all the possibilities
- 今後還有無窮盡的麻煩呢。There's a sea of troubles ahead
- 永存無窮盡的生命或存在Endless life or existence.