拼音:qīn zì英文解釋:
bodily; in person; in the flesh; myself; oneself【法】 in person; in propria persona; propria persona
由自己出面親自動手 >>查看“親自”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- (或They themselves did it.)這是他們親自乾的。They did it themselves
- 他發了一封信,第二個星期又親自登門拜訪。He followed up his letter with a visit the next week
- 他親自料理重要的生意。He attends to the transaction of important business himself.
- 這整座城市經他親自設計並管理, 正是對他的才能的紀念This whole city is a monument to his skill as a planner and administrator
- 現在迪瑞克已經要求親自見她。Now Derrick has asked to meet her—in person.
- 在那裡,邦德親自體驗了一種高科技武器的威力。There he experiences,firsthand,the power of a hi-tech weapon
- 那天下午,儘管剛剛接受了治療,我還是感覺能親自駕車回家。Despite the treatment, I felt well enough to drive home that afternoon.
- 股東可親自蒞臨或委託代理人參加。Shareholders can participate personally or delegate a representative