拼音:qīn zhàn英文解釋:
break into; invade and occupy; misappropriate; seize; steal; trench onusurp on
【法】 arrogate; arrogation; convert; encroach; encroachment; malappropriate
malappropriation; misappropriate; misappropriation
侵奪占據侵占別國領土 >>查看“侵占”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 一檔電視節目不得侵占另一檔節目的時間。One TV pro-gram is not permitted to encroach on time allotted to another.
- 他的新房子侵占了我的土地。His new house encroached on my land.
- 他無權如此侵占我的時間。He has no right to trench upon my time like this.
- 職務侵占犯罪案件的甄別與認定On Distinguishing and Asserting of the Post Occupies Crime
- 非法侵占不公平地或非法地拿取或挪用某物To take or appropriate something unfairly or illegally.
- 而當雅魯克維奇先生掌握了議會多數席位,他就對權力開始了其侵占的行動。Once he was in the driving seat, Mr Yanukovich began to encroach even more.
- 侵占,泛濫,超過限度An act of overrunning.
- 領土被侵占者瓜分.The territory was carved up by the occupying powers.