字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>侵蝕的的英文翻譯


拼音:qīn shí de


eating; erodent; erosive
【醫】 erodent; erosive


  1. 再看看這被侵蝕的地形,它看起來是不是很像是恐龍的腳爪呢?
    Look again at the erosion, does it look like the paw of a dinosaur?
  2. 3新加入的技能“追蹤魚群”是由一本[風霜侵蝕的日誌]教授的。
    The new "Find Fish" ability is taught by a Weather-Beaten Journal
  3. 再看看這被侵蝕的地形,它看起來是不是很像是恐龍的腳爪呢
    Look again at the erosion, does it look like the paw of a dinosaur
  4. 高分子材料磨粒侵蝕的基本規律
    Basic pattern of abrasive grain erosion of macromolecular materials
  5. 鹽鹼灘被鹽侵蝕的地區
    An area of land encrusted with salt.
  6. 被水、冰或風侵蝕的
    worn away as by water or ice or wind.
  7. 黃河中游流域土壤侵蝕的基本規律
    Basic Laws of Soil Erosion in the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River
  8. 木瓦屋板受到風雨侵蝕的房子
    A house of weathered shingles.
