拼音:qīn mì英文解釋:
familiarity; familiarization; friendliness; good-fellowship; intimacy【法】 intimacy
親近密切母親和她孩子的關係總是親密的 >>查看“親密”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 那是我與奧基先生關係親密的原因。That is why I am on intimate term with Mr. Aoki.
- 一個親密的朋友A bosom friend
- 使和好在……之間重新建立親密關係To reestablish a close relationship between
- 瑪麗從小跟我一起長大,我們是親密的朋友。Mary grew up with me, we are intimate friends.
- 親密的和共同擁有的那種感覺。a feeling of being intimate and belonging together.
- 她與我親密無間。She was finger and glove with me.
- 我首要的責任是為了我們極親密的家庭。My first responsibility is to my nearest and dearest.
- 她在學校里與幾個女同學建立起親密的友誼At school she formed a close friendship with several other girls