拼音:qīn lüè英文解釋:
invade; foray; inroad; invasion; incursion; razzia; aggression【法】 aggress; aggress against; aggression; invade; invasion
(1) ∶侵犯掠奪不時侵略,略為民患(2) ∶一切對他國領土、主權的侵犯和對他國... >>查看“侵略”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 侵略戰爭注定是要失敗的。Aggression is doomed to fail.
- 侵略者妄圖攻打我們國家。The invader wanted to attack our country.
- 經過長期的戰爭,他們終於趕走了侵略者。After a prolonged battle,they managed to drive out the invaders
- 他們拿起武器抵抗法國侵略。They were up in arms against French aggression.
- 象惡毒女人那樣的侵略性評論和行為。aggressive remarks and behavior like that of a spiteful malicious woman
- 這次侵略就相當於宣戰。This invasion is tantamount to a declaration of war.
- 他們也成了它侵略的受害者。They, too, fell victim to its aggression.
- 侵犯具有侵略性地進入外國領土;襲擊或侵略An aggressive entrance into foreign territory; a raid or an invasion.