拼音:qīng tǔ 英文解釋:
pour; pour out中文解釋:
(1) ∶暢所欲言,詳盡傾訴向他們傾吐她的煩腦(2) ∶全部嘔吐出來傾吐黑水 >>
查看“傾吐”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 在傾吐自己的不幸遭遇時,她情緒非常激動。
She was extremely agitated as she poured forth her tale of woe.
- 我傾吐心中的煩惱時,她一直在注意聽。
She listened attentively while I poured out my problems.
- 傾吐滿腹苦水
unburden oneself of one's all grievances
- 傾吐悲愴
unlock a torrent of grief
- 然後她寫了一封信給柴可夫斯基,信中徹底地向他傾吐了衷情。
Then she wrote Tschaikovsky a letter in which she made a full confession
- 向母校、向華初傾吐他們行將離別的感情。
Will pour out their feelings to Alma Mater --Huachu upon their gaduation .
- 滿月就像一個大水罐傾吐出治癒的鍊金藥。
The Full Moon is like a pitcher pouring out a healing elixir
- 珍妮向老師傾吐了自己的心事。
Jane unburdened herself to the teacher