拼音:qīng shì英文解釋:
look down on; belittle; contempt; despise; flout; make light of; slight【法】 contempt; disfavour; disparage; misprize
(1) ∶小看或討厭大學的文科院系輕視師範教育(2) ∶不認真看待他輕視通訊往來... >>查看“輕視”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.misprize 2.makelittleaccountof 3.makelightof 4.flout 5.slur 6.sloughover 7.vilipend 8.disappreciation 9.disappreciate 10.disesteem 11.belittle 12.setlightby 13.makeslightof 14.misprise 15.mock 16.misprision中英例句:
- 注重尊嚴的人都會輕視那種行為。All people with a sense of decency will look down upon such conduct as that.
- 實踐與理論一樣重要,但是我們易於珍視後者而輕視前者。Practice is as important as theory, but we are apt to value the latter and despise the former.
- 你不可因一個人貧窮而輕視他。You must not despise a man because he is poor.
- 他們的正義感保護他們不被別人輕視。Their sense of justice gave them armor against the contempt of others.
- 有些男子毫不掩飾他們對女子的輕視心理。Some men do not conceal the real contempt they feel for women.