拼音:qīng pén dà yǔ 英文解釋:
cloudburst; downpour; drencher; heavy rain; soaker; torrent中文解釋:
(1) ∶雨極大煙擁層巒雲擁腰,傾盆大雨定明朝。——宋&... >>
查看“傾盆大雨”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 我們遇上一場傾盆大雨.
We got caught in a downpour.
- 現在外面下著傾盆大雨。
It is pouring down outside now.
- 下傾盆大雨猛烈地下雨
To rain very heavily.
- 傾盆大雨打在窗戶上。
The rain poured down and struck on the window.
- 下傾盆大雨了。
It is raining cats and dogs.
- 湍急的山溪流;傾盆大雨
Torrential mountain streams; a torrential downpour
- 下起了傾盆大雨。
The rain began to come down in bucketfuls.
- 我們剛剛開始擺開野餐,天就下起傾盆大雨來了。
We just started to lay out the picnic and the heavens opened.