拼音:qīng lǐ英文解釋:
clean up; clear; liquidate; put in order; sort out; straighten out【經】 disposal; liquidation; wind up business
(1) ∶徹底整理或處理清理古代文化清理財賦(2) ∶明於事理高雅、奇偉、達見、... >>查看“清理”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.straightenout 2.winding-up 3.straightenup 4.workoff 5.clear-out 6.desintering 7.liquidation 8.dressing-off 9.mucking 10.cleaning-off 11.cleaningup 12.clearance 13.cleanup 14.straighten 15.disentwine漢語造句:
- 工人們清理(雜物)後就走了。The workmen cleaned up (the mess) before they left.
- 你應該經常清理房間。You should always clean up the room.
- 她要他清理好他弄得亂七八糟的東西。She tell him to clear up the mess he have make.
- 兩個女人喋喋不休地談天說地,而女招待則重手重腳地清理桌子-連檯布等都撤下去了。The two women gabbled away twenty to the dozen while the waitress noisily cleared the table-cloth and all.
- 我必須用幾天功夫來清理我所有的工作。I must spend a few days to clear off all my work.
- 一定要清理垃圾。Be sure to clear off the rubbish.