拼音:qīng guāng yǎn英文解釋:
glaucoma【醫】 choroiditis serosa; glaucedo; glaucoma; oculus caesius
以病理性高眼壓、視神經乳頭萎縮、視野缺損、視力下降為特徵的一種眼病 >>查看“青光眼”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 如何面對原發性閉角型青光眼的新分類How to face the new classification of primary angle closure glaucoma
- Sturge-Weber綜合徵伴發青光眼臨床特徵Clinical study on Sturge-Weber syndrome complicated with glaucoma
- 非穿透性小梁手術治療開角型青光眼的Meta分析Meta analysis of non-penetrating trabecular surgery for open angle glaucoma
- 圖形視誘發電位和圖形視網膜電圖對原發性開角型青光眼的診斷研究Evaluation of PERG and PVEP in diagnosis of primary open angle glaucoma
- 閉角型青光眼凝血指標的變化Changes of coagulation index in angle closure glaucoma patients
- 合併近視的原發性開角型青光眼眼血流動力學研究A study of ocular hemodynamics in primary open angle glaucoma with myopia
- 首先,改變眼部黑色素的是眼部疾病,如青光眼(患者瞳孔內出現青綠色的反光)。The first is a handful of ocular diseases like pigmentary glaucoma
- 急性閉角型青光眼患者的護理Care of Patients with Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma