拼音:qíng fū英文解釋:
fancy man; lover; paramour【法】 inarorato
男女兩人,一方或雙方已有配偶,他們之間發生性愛的行為,男方是女方的情夫 >>查看“情夫”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.lover 2.knightofthelady 3.sweetback 4.loverboy漢語造句:
- 惱怒的丈夫抓住妻子的情夫,把他踢下樓去。The irate husband seized his wife's lover and kicked him downstairs.
- 他是她的情夫,她是他的情婦。He is her lover; she is his mistress.
- 我聽說我們那位已婚的鄰居逃到她情夫那兒去了。I hear that our married neighbor has escaped to her lover.
- 情夫,情人一個人與其相愛或有親密關係的人A man with whom one is in love or has an intimate relationship
- 我聽說我們鄰舍那個有夫之婦已出走,逃到她的情夫那裡去了。I heard that our married neighbour has escaped to her lover.