拼音:qīn bǐ 英文解釋:
autograph; autography
(1) ∶親自執筆親筆題詞(2) ∶親筆書寫的字這幾個字是他的親筆 >>
查看“親筆”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 親筆書寫的遺囑
A holographic will
- 能不能給我你的親筆簽名?
May I have your autograph?
- 親筆遺囑。
Holograph will or us also holographic will.
- 林前16:21我保羅親筆問安。
The salutation of me Paul with mine own hand.
- 簽名冊親筆簽名組成的冊子
Autographs considered as a group
- 他會不惜任何代價把他的親筆簽名從那張紙上劃掉。
He would give anything to scratch his John Henry off that sheet of paper.
- 我保羅親筆問候你們。你們要記念我的捆鎖。願恩惠與你們同在。
The salutation by the hand of me Paul. Remember my bonds.
- 21我保羅親筆問安。
The greeting in my own hand -- Paul.