字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>啟航的英文翻譯 “啟航”的日文翻譯


拼音:qǐ háng


make sail; sail; sailing; set sail; weigh anchor
【經】 onward voyage


開船。《人民文學》1981年第8期:“汽笛已經拉響,輪船就要啟航。” >>查看“啟航”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 你是否已經準備好帶領一個剛剛啟航的戰艦駛向浩瀚的市場深海?
    Are you ready to grow a business from start-up to market leader?
  2. 他們的艦隊從查爾頓啟航了。
    Their fleet put to sea from Charleston.
  3. 我們裝著一船紙從瑞典啟航
    We sailed from Sweden with a cargo of paper.
  4. 我們在漲潮時啟航
    We set sail at high tide.
  5. 那艘船一辦好離港手續立刻啟航了。
    The ship sailed as soon as it got clearance.
  6. 這艘船定於第二天啟航
    The ship was due to sail the following morning.
  7. 因天氣惡劣而推遲了二十四小時啟航
    The voyage was put back twenty- four hours owing to bad weather.
  8. 遇上這種鬼天氣,我們不敢保證班機會依時啟航
    We daren’t bet on the flight leaving on schedule in such weather.
