拼音:qì guǎn英文解釋:
trachea; weasand; windpipe【醫】 air-tube; trachea; tracheo-; weasand; windpipe
(1) (2) 在脊椎動物中空氣進出肺部的管狀系統的主幹(3) 在多數昆蟲中構成... >>查看“氣管”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.gashose 2.thrapple 3.thropple 4.winddipe 5.weasand 6.throat(section) 7.airtube 8.gaspipe 9.airpipe 10.blastpipe 11.gasbarrel例句:
- 有一條輸氣管堵塞了。One of the air-ducts has become blocked.
- 排氣管中射出了火星。The exhaust pipe shot sparks.
- 人們挖開半個路面以鋪設新的煤氣管道。Half the road surface is being taken up to lay new gas pipes.
- 煤氣爐在什麽地方與煤氣管道銜接?Where does the cooker connect with the gas-pipe?