拼音:qí guān英文翻譯
marvellous spectacle; wonder
1.rareeshow 2.wonders 3.
prodigy 例句:
- 菲迪亞斯雅典雕塑家,曾監管巴台農神殿的工作,他在奧林匹亞的宙斯雕像是世界七大奇觀之一
Athenian sculptor who supervised work on the Parthenon. His statue of Zeus at Olympia was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
- 奇觀,奇蹟奇特的或罕見的引起人們驚嘆的事件或行為
An act or event so extraordinary or rare as to inspire wonder.
- 我相信那成群女人們的服裝顏色一定是一種華麗的奇觀,我會百看不厭的。
I am certain that the colors of women's dresses moving in a throng must be a gorgeous spectacle of which I should never tire.
奇觀的意思 奇異的景象;奇怪而少見的事世界七大奇觀詳細解釋罕見的景象;奇異少見的事情。 漢 王充 《論衡·別通》:“人之游也,必欲入都,都多奇觀也。” 宋 秦觀 《顯之禪老許以草庵見處》詩:“橡葉岡頭釋馬銜