拼音:qì gāng英文解釋:
cylinder【機】 air cylinder; cylinder; steam cylinder
發動機內的圓筒形空室,裡面有一個由工作流體的壓力或膨脹力推動的活塞,某些特殊型發... >>查看“汽缸”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.steamcylinder 2.jug 3.casing 4.steamcylinder相關對話:
- 那是四汽缸引擎,精確地說,是四汽缸內燃機。It's a4-cylinder engine, or to be exact, a4-cylinder, internal-combustion engine.
- 在意外事故中,汽缸沒有受到重大損壞。The accident didn't do much damage to the cylinder.
- 發動機有一個汽缸嚴重失靈。The engine is misfiring badly on one cylinder.
- 八汽缸發動機或八汽缸汽車An eight-cylinder engine or motor vehicle.
- 渦輪(增壓器)四行程汽缸或V型八汽缸?Turbo four-cylinder or big V8?
- 由於汽缸里的冷凝作用,蒸汽的壓力降低了。The steam pressure falls on account of condensation in the cylinder.
- 汽缸座裂了,所以發動機也該換了。the engine had to be replaced because the block was cracked.
- 容納汽缸並冷卻發動機的輸送管的一種金屬鑄件。a metal casting containing the cylinders and cooling ducts of an engine.