拼音:qì gài 英文解釋:
lofty quality; mettle; spirit
(1) ∶正直、豪邁的態度沒有具備先烈們具有的那種氣概(2) ∶在某種活動中或生... >>
查看“氣概”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
gumption 相關對話:
- 阿修:若你想要有男子氣概,就點雙份的義大利濃縮咖啡。
Hugh: If you want to be macho, order a double shot of espresso.
- 他們的首領要他們奮勇作戰,以此顯示男子漢氣概。
Their leader told them to prove their manhood by fighting well.
- 以有男子漢氣概的方式;有被認為是屬於男子漢的品質的方式。
in a manful manner; with qualities thought to befit a man
- 有男子氣概、性感活躍的男子。
a man who is virile and sexually active
- 男子氣概的強壯且咄咄逼人的,用於指婦女
Strong and aggressive. Used of women.
- 從男子氣概來說,乍一看長得不錯。
Ruggedly good-looking in a manly-man sort of way
- 男子般的氣概;成熟男性所具有的特點。
the trait of being manly; having the characteristics of an adult male.
- 自信為英雄氣概之本。
Self-trust is the essence of heroism.