拼音:qī èr英文解釋:
【化】 plant hormone 702相關詞條:
- 他要養活自己的七個孩子,更不必說還有妻子和父母了。He had to support his seven children, to say nothing of his wife and parents.
- 三的立方是二十七。Three cubed is twenty-seven.
- 世界上有七大洲。There are seven continents in the world.
- 二加五等於七。Two plus five is seven.
- 家裡現在亂七八糟。Everything is at sixes and sevens in the house.
- 七減三等於四。Seven minus three equals four.
- 上大學時,我有七個室友。I have seven roommates in my university.
- 有些昆蟲一年產七八次卵。Some insects produce seven or eight broods a year.