拼音:qí dǎo shū英文解釋:
service book例句:
- ——這是1552年祈禱書里的話。words taken from a 1552 prayer book
- 儀式書一本包括成文的儀式的書或集子,如祈禱書A book or other collection of stated and fixed forms, such as prayers.
- 祈禱書。The book of common prayer.
- 祈禱書教規聖典時刻用的書,包括讚美詩、祭禮和禱文A book containing the hymns, offices, and prayers for the canonical hours
- 儀式書一本包括成文的儀式的書或集子,如祈禱書A book or other collection of stated and fixed forms, such as prayers