拼音:qián xiōng 英文解釋:
(1) ∶胸的前部,尤其是四足動物的(2) ∶昆蟲胸部第一節或者前節,具有第一對... >>
查看“前胸”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 這件外套的前胸應該裁掉,以便露出內層的色彩。
The front of the coat should be cut away so as to show the colours.
- 這件衣服的前胸裝飾有一排帶寶石的鈕扣。
The front of the dress is decorated with a row of jewelled buttons.
- 這件衣服的前胸裝飾有一排帶寶石的鈕扣。
The front of the dress is decorated with a row of jewelled buttons
- 假襯衣原為女式在只有前胸的襯衣;襯衫的假前胸
A blouse front formerly worn by women; a dickey
- 護胸:用於保護前胸的用具。
chest guard: Used to protect the chest.
- 翻下遮住前胸及肩背;流行於世紀的細麻布大翻領。
a wired or starched collar of intricate lace; worn in 17th century
- 翻下遮住前胸及肩背;流行於世紀的細麻布大翻領。
a wired or starched collar of intricate lace; worn in 17th century.
- 無鈕短上衣前胸敞開的短上衣
A very short jacket worn open in the front