拼音:qián xíng英文解釋:
creep; lurk; prowl【法】 prowl; slide; steal
(1) ∶在水下行走潛水員在水下潛行(2) ∶秘密行走在夜間潛行(3) ∶專心修... >>查看“潛行”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.lurk 2.prowl 3.skulk例句:
- 這人在這地方附近潛行,想找機會偷些東西。The man sneak about the place watch for a chance to steal something.
- 大峽谷裂縫在西南部沙漠上蜿蜒迂迴,猶如蛇朝它的獵物悄悄地潛行著一般。They weave through the southwest desert like a snake stalking its prey
- 悄無聲息地走偷偷地活動;潛行To move about stealthily; sneak.
- 寵物不會再追逐已經消失/潛行的玩家了。Pets will no longer chase players that Vanish.
- 潛行者開始會是一個商人,快速建造起他自己的船。The lurker begins as a trader, building his ship up quickly.
- 對付那種用割裂然後跑遠6秒潛行代替消失的.Against rupture kiter who ran away to restealth instead of vanishing.