字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>前線的英文翻譯 “前線”的日文翻譯


拼音:qián xiàn


battlefront; front; fronter line; frontline


(1) 作戰時由最前面的作戰部隊形成的一條軍事線;亦指與敵方接觸的戰線或區域遠... >>查看“前線”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 戰鬥部署沿前線或戰線布置(部隊)準備戰鬥
    To position(troops) in readiness for combat, as along a front or line.
  2. 他們趕調更多部隊到前線去。
    They rushed more troops to the front .
  3. 他們需要更多的兵士守衛前線
    They need more soldiers to man the front.
  4. 他們每天都要將供給運送到前線
    They ship provisions out to front every day.
  5. 指揮官乘飛機到前線部隊去。
    The commander flew out to join his troops at the front.
  6. 前線尚未傳來訊息。
    No word has come from the battle front
  7. 成為業務的多面手,能夠處理前線的溢線電話。
    Be multi-skilled and handle any overflow of calls from Frontline.
  8. 做勇敢狀或建起一道堅固的前線
    To make a courageous show or to put up a stalwart front.
