拼音:qián tí英文解釋:
precondition; premise; premiss; presupposition; reason【計】 prerequisite conditions
(1) ∶推理中可以推導出一個判斷的判斷(2) ∶事物的先決因素 >>查看“前提”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- (約翰強調了我此前提出的一個觀點。)John emphasized a point I had made previously
- 在 ... 的前提下on the premise of
- 接受訓練是掌握技能的前提。Training is a prerequisite for competence
- 不合理的與前提或證據不符合的;不合邏輯的Not following from premises or evidence; illogical.
- 這個理論基於人人平等的前提。The theory is based on the hypothesis that all men are born equal.
- (約翰強調了我此前提出的一個觀點。)John emphasized a point I had made previously.
- 這是實現合作共贏的基本前提。This is a basic prerequisite to win-win cooperation
- 前提是必須通過主管經理同意。Premise is to must pass officer director to agree.