拼音:qián rèn 英文解釋:
(1) ∶已由他人替代其原任職位的人前任總統(2) ∶原先占有某種職位或地位的人... >>
查看“前任”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 我上的課碰巧跟我前任男友完全一樣。
I just happen to have all the same classes as my ex-boyfriend.
- 馬加利尤教父將前任修道院院長的屍骸放在一個特殊的盒子裡。
The remains of a former abbot rest in a special box held by Father Macarius
- 前任總督
a cidevant governor
- 他的背景和前任的人類似。
His background parallels that of his predecessor.
- 停止目前任何的搖動.
Will stop any swaying that is going on.
- 當我的女朋友和我前任男朋友在一起的時候,我真是很生氣。
It makes me really mad when my girlfriend hangs out with my ex.
- 你使我想起我的前任女友.
You remind me of my ex-girlfriend.
- 作為一名教練,他遠不能與他的前任相比。
As a coach, he is not in the same street with his predecessor