拼音:qián néng英文解釋:
potential【化】 latent energy
亦作“潛能”。潛在的能力或能量。 郭沫若 《蜩螗集·為多災多難的人民而痛哭》:... >>查看“潛能”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.energysink 2.potentiality 3.latentenergy 4.latentofenergy 5.potency中英例句:
- 教育能開發人的潛能。Education develops potential abilities.
- 他還沒有意識到他的全部潛能。He hasn't realized his full potential yet.
- 如果你能超越這些極限,那你就學到了潛能無限這一課。When you are able to transcend them, you learn the lesson of limitlessness.
- 是一個能激發每個學生 潛能的導師.b]who can develop the capabilities of each student.
- 它是死的;它只是以潛能的態存在。It is dead;it is just a potentiality
- 你所說的潛能(潛在可能性)可是未來?Q: By potential you mean the future?
- 潛力,潛能成長、發展或形成的潛在能力Inherent capacity for growth, development, or coming into existence.