拼音:qián lì英文解釋:
precedent【經】 precedent
可供參照的以往的事例這位創辦人也樹立了只給自己支付工資的前例 >>查看“前例”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 一個史無前例的富裕時代a time of unexampled prosperity
- 這樣的手續是沒有前例的。There is no precedent for such a procedure
- 這是史無前例的。It is without precedent in history.
- 準前例處理to be settled by following precedent
- 在前例中,我們用到這個變數來組成錯誤訊息。In the previous example, we used this variable to format our error message.
- 這是違反前例的。This is a departure from precedent
- 你要我做的事有前例可援嗎?Is there a precedent for what you want me to do?
- 作為史無前例的步驟,法庭要求證人唱一首歌。In an unprecedented move, the tribunal ask the witness to sing a song.