拼音:qián lì英文解釋:
potential【醫】 potential; reserve force
潛在的能力和力量挖掘潛力 >>查看“潛力”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.latentforce 2.potency 3.potence 4.potentiality 5.latentcapacity相關對話:
- 如果貴公司願意,我們將樂於提供樣品,便於您向有購買潛力的顧客展示。If you agree we shall be glad to supply you with our samples for you to show to the potential customers.
- 那個國家的潛力很大,但文明程度還不夠發達。The country has a big potential but civilization there is still in the rough.
- 差勁 ... 我剛剛開始認為他?em>星繃Γ炊亂磺凶獎鶇ぷ髁恕?Darn ... just when I start think he have potential, he just drop everything and took another job elsewhere.
- 但它真正革命的特性能夠在其相互影響的潛力方面表現出來。But its truly revolutionary character can be seen in its interactive potential.