拼音:qián jìn英文解釋:
advance; go ahead; go forward; march; onward; progress【醫】 progression
(1) ∶上前;向前行進不敢前進(2) ∶向前發展進步靠奮鬥前進 >>查看“前進”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 如天體一樣繞軌道前進。move in an orbit, as of celestial bodies.
- 拖杳行走用拖曳的步子走或前進;步覆艱難地走To walk or proceed with dragging steps; trudge.
- 他們走了20英里後,決定停止前進。After they had walked 20 miles, they decided to call a halt.
- 一艘在深海中破浪前進的驅逐艦A destroyer boring through heavy seas
- 我們冒著暴風雨前進。We weather along in spite of the storm.
- 他們揮鞭策馬向前進。They urged horses on with whips.
- “不斷前進”的Johnnie Walker“Advancing Forward”of Johnnie Walker ’s Ad
- 運動員在賽跑前進入了競技狀態。The athlete was strung up before the race .