拼音:qiáng wēi英文解釋:
rose; rosebush【醫】 Rhodnius prolixus; rosa; Rosa multiflora Thunb.; rose
(1) (2) 薔薇科。落葉灌木。薔薇屬( Rosa )的一種植物,形體直立、攀... >>查看“薔薇”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.rosebush 2.wildrose 3.[Latin]Rosarugosa漢語造句:
- 任何一個鼻子都可以奪走薔薇的芳香而不受懲罰。Any nose may ravage with impunity a Rose.
- 攀緣薔薇一種攀援的玫瑰,開無數紅色、粉色或白色的花A type of climbing rose having numerous red, pink, or white flowers.
- 薔薇朵朵皆有刺。No rose without thorn.
- 合葉子屬植物一種薔薇科合葉子屬多年生草本植物Any of various perennial herbs of the genus Filipendula in the rose family.
- 婚禮上,我想走在用薔薇花瓣鋪成的地毯上。During my wedding I want the aisle to be a carpet of rose petals
- 有些薔薇花攀在架子上。Some roses climb on frames.
- 長在格子棚架上的薔薇花roses growing on a trellis
- 薔薇屬的任何一種植物。any of many plants of the genus Rosa.