- 迪克·湯普森昨夜,確切地說,今日凌晨被槍殺了。
Dick Thompson was shot last night, or rather in the small hours.
- 對於他們槍殺無辜平民,人們感到義憤填膺。
People are indignant by their shooting of innocent civilians.
- 他在他辦公室外的街上被槍殺。
He is gunned down in the street outside his office.
- 這次槍擊事件是美國有史以來傷亡最嚴重的槍殺案。
The rampage is being call the deadliest shooting incident in U.S. history.
- 您看到一名男子遭人槍殺,於是您向警方報案。
You saw a man get shot to death, so you go to the police.
- 艾德娜:現在的演員們開槍殺人而不是脫帽行禮。
Edna: Today actors shoot people instead of taking off their hats.
- 那還用說,老大,我們已經槍殺了那男的。
Sure, boss, we plugged the guy.
- 您看到一名男子遭人槍殺,於是您向警方報案。
You saw a man get shot to death, so you go to the police