拼音:qiáng pò英文解釋:
force; compel; coerce; constrain; enforce upon; high-pressure; impose; obtrudescrew
【醫】 compulsion
強迫(qiǎng-) : 施加壓力,使對方屈從:他不願意就彆強迫他了。 >>查看“強迫”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.coercion 2.coercing 3.enforceupon 4.insistency 5.coerce 6.obtrude 7.coaction 8.enforce 9.impose 10.compulsion 11.constrain 12.compelled 13.forced 14.putthescrewon 15.compulsoriness 16.duress例句:
- 我們不能強迫你(去做),但認為你應該做。We cannot compel you to (do it), but we think you should.
- 一達到適當的年齡,孩子們就被鼓勵,而不是被強迫, "離開老窩" 。Upon reaching an appropriate age, children are encouraged, but not forced, to "leave the nest".
- 老闆強迫他做此難事。The boss forced this difficult task upon him.
- 他們強迫我做違背我心意的事。They forced me to do things against my will.
- 強迫推行一項政策不是辦法。It is not the proper way to implement a policy by force.
- 所有絕食的犯人均需強迫進食。All the prisoners on hunger strike had to be force-fed.