拼音:qiáng miàn 英文解釋:
(1).謂面對牆壁,目無所見。比喻不學無術或一無所知。《書·周官》:“蓄疑敗謀... >>
查看“牆面”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
intertriglyph 2.
wallsuface 3.
wallface 中英例句:
- 陽光透過一扇窗投射到牆面上。
A beam of sunlight fell on the wall through the window.
- 先把牆面打磨光滑再粉刷。
Rub the walls down well before painting them.
- 加氣混凝土牆面抹灰裂縫原因分析及防治
Analysis on cause of split on wall of concrete with gas and its prevention
- 整形塊石嵌飾牆面的長條形琢石
A thin, dressed rectangle of stone for facing walls.
- 鑲板牆面上凸起或凹陷的長方形嵌板
A raised or sunken rectangular panel on a wall.
- 用ST4.2螺絲將主體和螺紋墊圈一起固定在牆面上。
Use ST4.2 screws to fix the clothes rack and washer on the wall.
- 鑲板牆面上凸起或凹陷的長方形嵌板
A raised or sunken rectangular panel on a wall