拼音:qiāng kǒu英文解釋:
槍管的末端,即槍彈的射出口 >>查看“槍口”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 他在槍口的威脅下被迫去打開保險柜。He is forced at gunpoint to open the safe.
- 把槍口對準他們!Keep them covered!
- 槍口罩a muzzle cover
- 我抓住了槍,槍口對準了斯萊德爾。I grabbed it, and then Slidell had it by the muzzle.
- 子彈離開槍口射彈的速度。the velocity of a projectile as it leaves the muzzle of a gun
- 一種通過槍口裝彈藥的槍枝。a firearm that is load through the muzzle
- 那隻老虎倒在了獵人的槍口下。The tiger fell to the hunter's gun.