拼音:qián bì英文解釋:
antebrachium; forearm【醫】 antebrachium; antibrachium; cubitus; forearm
靈長類臂或前肢的肘與腕之間的部分 >>查看“前臂”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 將你的手、手腕和前臂伸直,使其成一條直線。Straighten out your hand, wrist and forearm so they form a straight line.
- 因此一當你從肩膀揮拍的時候,要專注於使前臂和手腕穩定。So concentrate on a steady forearm and wrist as you swing from the shoulder
- 手和前臂的旋轉以致手掌朝上。rotation of the hands and forearms so that the palms face upward.
- 雙能X線骨密度儀測量雙側前臂骨面積、骨礦含量和骨礦密度的比較Bilanteral comparison of bone area, BMC and BMD in forearm by DEXA
- 肘關節上臂與前臂之間的關節或胳膊彎曲處The joint or bend of the arm between the forearm and the upper arm.
- 我前臂傳球傳得太高了。My forearm pass goes too high.
- 我喜歡用前臂式發傳球。I like to usea forearm pass.
- 前臂DXA骨密度測量的臨床套用Clinical Application of Measurement of Forearm BMD by DXA