字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>千的英文翻譯 “千”的日文翻譯



a great amount of; thousand
【計】 K; kilo; kilo-
【醫】 k.; kilo-


千 (③韆) qiān 數目,十個一百(在鈔票和單據上常用大寫“仟”代):千周...


  1. 瑪麗方百計地讓她的客人玩得痛快。
    Mary knocked herself out to give her guests a good time
  2. 洪水過後成上萬人離鄉背井
    The evacuation of thousands of people after a flood
  3. 魔鬼守著的一口棺材——尋找絲綢古道上的小河墓地
    In Search of Xiaohe Graveyard on the Silk Road
  4. 尼亞加拉瀑布是世界上偉大的自然景觀之一,那兒每年吸引了成上萬度蜜月的人們。
    It draws in thousands of honeymooners each year.
  5. 年中國文化的沉澱
    the sedimentary accretion of Chinese culture over thousands of years
  6. 這場比賽吸引了數名觀眾。
    The game drew thousands of spectators.
  7. 走進新年之際,有許多事是我們許多人都應該感恩的。
    As we move into a new Millennium, many of us have much to be thankful for.
  8. (他們那個卑劣的女婿騙了他們好幾美元。)
    Their sleazy son-in-law screwed them out of thousands of dollars.
