autograph; endorse; label; lot; sign; sticker; tack【醫】 pick
簽 (簽③簽⑥籤) qiān 親自寫姓名或畫上符號:簽名。簽字。簽到。簽發。簽...>>查看“簽”在國語字典中的解釋
1.lot 2.sortition 3.sign 4.endorse相關對話:
- 他們表示有簽訂契約的意願。They showed a disposition to sign the contract.
- 政府已與莫斯科簽了一項條約。The Government has signed a treaty with Moscow.
- 經過簽字的發票表示貨物已經收到。A signed invoice presumes receipt of the shipment.
- 該足球隊已簽約聘用了兩名新隊員。The football team has signed two new players.
- 他們簽署了協定與附屬檔案。They signed the agreement and the documents appended thereto.
- 他用欺騙手段說服她在檔案上簽字。He persuaded her to sign the document by guile.
- 這項協定的簽訂將有助於緩和國際緊張局勢。The signing of this agreement will help to reduce international tension.