拼音:pǔ zhào 英文解釋:
illuminate all things中文解釋:
普遍地照耀陽光普照 >>
查看“普照”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 30他將亮光普照在自己的四圍。他又遮覆海底。
See how he scatters his lightning about him, bathing the depths of the sea.
- 加州大學伯克利分校:願知識之光普照大地。
University of California,Berkeley:Let there be light.
- 燦爛的陽光普照田野。
The sun flings its bright rays on the fields.
- 我記得那是在一陽光普照的早晨。
I remember it was on a fine morning with the sun shining down
- 陽光普照大地。
The sun illuminates every corner of the land.
- 燦爛的陽光普照在田野上。
The sun flings bright rays on the fields.
- 我記得那是在一陽光普照的早晨。
I remember it was on a fine morning with the sun shining down.
- 我們當然很快地就可以看到太陽普照大地了.
We surely shall see the sun shine shortly.