- 射流曝氣器充氧性能研究
Study on the Oxygenation Performance of the Jet Aerator
- 曝氣池中曝氣器布置方式改進的研究
A Test for Improvement of Layout of Aerators in Aeration Tank
- 水深較小時,宜選用孔徑較小的曝氣器;
The optimum water depth increases as the aperture of the aerator increases.
- 自激振盪脈衝射流曝氣器的實驗
Mechanism of Self-excited Oscillation Pulsed Jet Aerator
- 盤式曝氣器的結構最佳化設計
Structual optimization of disc diffuser
- 自吸式射流曝氣器在中小型氧化溝中的套用
Application of Self Priming Jet Aerator for Oxidation Ditch
- CMD 圓盤型彈性微孔膜曝氣器的研究
Research of CMD Disk Elastic Microlevel Membrane Aerating Apparatus