- 冰凌是冬季寒冷地區河流上普遍存在的一種水文現象。
Ice is a common phenomenon in the rivers of cold regions
- 毋庸置疑,愛是普遍存在的。
No doubt,love is universal.
- 這些困難在他那個年齡的人中普遍存在。
These difficulties are general among people of his age.
- 只有用這個辦法我們才能一勞永逸的解決普遍存在的浪費問題。
Only in this way can we settle this issue which is ubiquitous for good.
- 所提出的事實會揭示社區中普遍存在的一種可悲的情形。
The facts quoted would reveal a sorry state of affairs in any community
- 衝突後行為(post-conflictbehavior)在非人靈長類中普遍存在。
Post-conflict behavior has been reported in most of non-human primates.
- 總理談到了全國普遍存在的不安全。
The prime minister spoke of the general insecurity in the country.
- 就新加坡人普遍存在的怕輸心理,運用得當就是正的一面,大於負的一面的褒義詞。
Generally, Singaporeans are kiasu -- they fear to lose out.