字典網>> 漢英字典>> P開頭詞條>>破壞的的英文翻譯


拼音:pò huài de


【醫】 aneretic; destructive


  1. 原始森林是這地方沒遭破壞的壯觀之處。
    The primeval forest is the unspoild splendor of the place.
  2. 鹼骨料反應對混凝土破壞的研究
    Research on the Effect of AAR on Concrete
  3. 沒有貧窮不能破壞的美德。
    There is no virtue that poverty destroyeth not.
  4. 當務之急是重建我們遭受破壞的城市。
    Before everything else we must put the rebuilding of our damaged cities.
  5. 保護鞋子不受水、雪或寒冷破壞的一種鞋子。
    footwear that protects your shoes from water or snow or cold.
  6. 龍捲風襲擊該鎮,留下破壞的痕跡。
    The tornado cut a swath through the town
  7. 我們必須將重建被破壞的城市的問題置於首位。
    Before everything else we must place the rebuilding of our damaged cities.
  8. 惡意破壞的行為故意的或惡意的對公共或私人財產進行破壞的行為
    Willful or malicious destruction of public or private property.
