拼音:pí qì 英文解釋:
disposition; temper; temperament
(1) ∶脾臟之氣。中醫認為人體有五臟,五臟之間運行失常,就生各種疾病他脾氣與酒... >>
查看“脾氣”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
mould 2.
spleen 3.
bile 4.
moods 5.
proclivity 相關對話:
- 吃了一頓好飯,他的脾氣變得好多了。
A good meal sweetened his temper.
- 她循循善誘地勸他改掉壞脾氣。
She coaxed him out of his bad temper.
- 他發脾氣時讓人無法忍受。
He is unbearable when he's in a bad temper.
- 她想方設法惹我發脾氣。
She tried to needle me into losing my temper.
- 他努力控制住自己的脾氣。
He struggled to control his temper.
- 壞脾氣是他最大的弱點。
Having a bad temper is his worst infirmity.
- 他脾氣急。
He has a brittle temper.
- 他的急躁的脾氣使他令人討厭。
His hasty temper made him offensive.