拼音:pín mín qū英文解釋:
gutter; slum【法】 gutter; slum
1.slumland 2.cardboardcity 3.thewrongsideofthetracks 4.purlieu 5.slumdom 6.museque 7.EastSide相關對話:
- 貧民區已拆除。They've demolished the slum district.
- 她在貧民區工作,使她正視貧困的現實。Working in the slums brought her up against the realities of poverty.
- 貧民區已被拆除。They have demolished the slum district.
- 這個流浪漢是貧民區的一個失業者。The bum was down and out on skid row.
- 我們駕車穿過市中心的貧民區,看到了那裡極原始的生活環境。We drove through the downtown slums and saw life in the raw.
- 為了作樂或獵奇而參觀貧民區。visit slums for entertainment or out of curiosity.
- 他最後淪落到了流浪人的貧民區.He ended up on skid row
- 那位官員提出了一個大規模的清理貧民區的計畫。That officer introduced a project for slum clearance