拼音:pín hán 英文解釋:
poor; poverty-stricken中文解釋:
非常貧苦小時家境貧寒 >>
查看“貧寒”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 她心中驀地湧起一股同情,意識到夏綠蒂只是因相貌平平,年齡日見增長,由於害怕成為老姑娘,過孤獨、貧寒的生活才不得已嫁給了柯林斯先生。
She realizes with a sudden wave of sympathy that Charlotte, a rather homely girl of advancing years, married Mr. Collins out of necessity, fearing a lonely and poverty-stricken life as an old maid.
- 帕克出身貧寒,通過奮鬥才在社會上出人頭地。
Park was born poor, and came up the hard way.
- 林肯總統出身貧寒。
President Lincoln was born poor.
- 海頓出身貧寒,曾當過維也納大教堂唱詩班的歌童。
Haydn, the son of poor parents, had been a choir boy in VIENNA Cathedral
- 我出身貧寒。
I sprang from a poor family.
- 僅管他出身貧寒,他的童年還是無憂無慮的
Though he was born poor, he still had a blissfully carefree childhood
- 我出身貧寒。
I sprang from a poor family
- 海頓出身貧寒,曾當過維也納大教堂唱詩班的歌童。
Haydn, the son of poor parents, had been a choir boy in VIENNA Cathedral.