拼音:píng wěn 英文解釋:
calm; placidity
(1) (2) 沒有波動,穩定物價平穩日子過得平穩(3) 平安穩當;平和穩重平穩... >>
查看“平穩”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
placidity 2.
Right 3.
calm 4.
balanced 5.
even 6.
stationary 7.
stable 8.
calmness 相關對話:
- 大浪過後,船又平穩了。
The ship righted itself after the big wave had passed.
- 鼓聲平穩而緩慢。
The beats of the drum were steady and slow.
- 他們以平穩的速度開車。
They drove at a steady rate.
- 慢跑平穩地小步跑
To move at a steady trot.
- 船頭斜桅支索使船頭平穩的繩索或鏈子
A rope or chain used to steady the bowsprit of a ship.
- 7.金融平穩運行。
7. Robust performance of the banking system.
- 均衡器用來使電壓或電流保持平穩的設備
A device for equalizing pressure or strain.
- 只有在起飛、著陸或天氣不好不能平穩飛行時才扣上。
Only on take off, landing and when it is rough flying weather.