拼音:píng lùn yuán 英文解釋:
news analyst; observer中文解釋:
在報刊、電台等就某問題發表評論的人員 >>
查看“評論員”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 其他新聞評論員 ... 過分殷勤地認錯 ... 他們以為作賤自己可以證明他們的坦白、誠實、謙卑。錯了,這是軟弱的表現。
Other commentators ... are falling all over themselves to admit being mistaken ... They think such self-abasement proves candor, honesty, humility. Wrong. It shows weakness.
- 快船評論員:姚明3次犯規了。爽,感覺妙極了。
Edit: Yao picks up foul#3. Great. Just great.
- 評論員在新聞中報告和分析事件的廣播員或作家
A broadcaster or writer who reports and analyzes events in the news
- 體育比賽轉播中做評論員。
serve as a commentator, as in sportscasting
- 但作為一個講究實際的評論員,我對此感到惋惜。
As a hard-nosed commentator, I deplore it.
- 但作為一個講究實際的評論員,我對此感到惋惜。
As a hard-nosed commentator, I deplore it