字典網>> 漢英字典>> P開頭詞條>>平均價格的英文翻譯


拼音:píng jūn jià gé


【經】 average price; mid-point rate


1.middleprice  2.meanprice  3.equilibriumprice  4.mid-pointrate  5.averagerate  6.middlerate  


  1. 去年每普式爾玉米的平均價格為兩美元。
    Corn was an average of two dollars a bushel last year.
  2. 玉米去年的平均價格是2美元每蒲式耳。
    Corn was an (xxx) average of two dollars a bushel (xxx) last year
  3. 去年穀類平均價格是每蒲式耳2美元。
    Corn was (an) average (of) 2 dollars a butal (bushel) last year.
  4. 去年每普式爾玉米的平均價格為兩美元。
    Corn was an average of two dollars a bushel last year
  5. 在美國四個城市的巨無霸的平均價格是$2.71。
    The average price of a Big Mac in four American cities is $2.71.
  6. 玉米去年的平均價格是2美元每蒲式耳。
    Corn was an (xxx) average of two dollars a bushel (xxx) last year.
  7. 去年穀類平均價格是每蒲式耳2美元。
    Corn was (an) average (of) 2 dollars a butal (bushel) last year
  8. 管理機構反映的是平均價格水平;
    Administrative organization reflects the level of the average price.
