拼音:píng cháng 英文解釋:
be all in the day's work; mediocrity
經常發生或出現的平常的命運 >>
查看“平常”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
beallintheday'swork 2.
mediocrity 3.
tepidness 相關對話:
- 他很可能跟平常一樣會帶吉他來。
Doubtless he'll be bringing his guitar, as usual.
- 我偶爾喝杯咖啡,但平常都喝茶。
I drink an occasional cup of coffee; but usually I take tea.
- 你像平常一樣又遲到了。
You're late, as usual.
- 你平常早晨幾點鐘醒?
What time do you usually wake (up) in the morning?
- 他即使在情緒最好的時候,都很難相處--平常就更令人受不了了。
He's difficult at the best of times usually he's impossible.
- 平常的地下火車接近車站時,發出的聲音可能是最大聲的噴射機的兩倍。
An ordinary subway train, approaching the station, can be twice as loud as the loudest jet.
- 我平常並不來得這樣晚。
I'm not usually so late.