拼音:pín fán de英文解釋:
frequent; hourly; often相關詞條:
1.fqt 2.often例句:
- 頻繁的停電使工廠停產。Production in the factories stopped because of frequent power failures.
- 這是一個外交頻繁的時期。It was a time of diplomacy.
- 兩地人民頻繁的往來,已經不是什麼新聞了。Frequent exchanges between the two peoples make no news any longer.
- 她頻繁的展示她的狗。She shows her dogs frequently; We will demo the new software in Washington.
- 由於頻繁的暴露或放縱而無趣的。uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence.
- 這也學是建立更頻繁的鐵路交通的前奏。Still nobody is counting on it.